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Sunday, February 4, 2018

Things Are Getting Better and I'm Grateful

January is over and for once I'm actually looking forward to February and Single's Awareness Day. The sun is finally poking through the clouds that once clouded my life. Things have gotten better since school started. I recently had a jam session with the band and later ranted my heart out about how I don't particularly want a "normal" 9-5 job that I'm not in Love with and how I would rather take the freelancing and passion path. I don't have anything against anyone with a regular part-time or full-time job. You have to do what you have to do and some of you, unlike me, actually have children and families to support. It's just I personally want to invest all my blood,sweat,tears, and time into the arts or regularly work on building websites. Exchange skills and make livable income off my artistic contribution to the world so I can afford to both live and create more of an artistic contribution. I don't talk about this a lot because the automatic response tends to be "You can't make a living off art." "Art doesn't pay." "It's a competitive industry." "It's not that easy. I barely got by with more than one job." Stuff like that and perhaps a rant about how things are different for millennials as opposed to the baby-boomers. 

Anyway, it felt good to finally let that out. In other news I have made tons of progress on my upcoming novel J. and S. Adventures#1: A New Beginning and I've started to continue writing Speak Up. I've picked up a few more freelancing jobs and still haven't conversed with my family about the path I want to take in life and the decisions I want to implement. I am paralyzed by the fear of not meeting their expectations. 

There have been a few moments where I truly felt I was living life to the fullest. I started baking a cake at around 7pm for Ciycay's birthday. Then taste tested it around midnight. Later I spent several hours making a cooking show out of the experience. You can watch the video here.Another moment was when I spent quality time with the CMMND SHFTS and fished two guitar picks out of Vinique's guitar with chopsticks and my small hands. It was hilarious. I've also really enjoyed car rides with friends. It's such a small thing but I'm eternally grateful. 

That's all I have today before I go off and procrastinate on more things. 

-Just Jane  
"If you are working on something exciting that you really care about, you don't have to be pushed. The vision pulls you."
-Steve Jobs

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