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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I miss school

Sigh. It's a cold and cloudy summer day. Apparently the first day of summer was last Tuesday. Is it the 28th of June already? Wow. Even boring summers go by fast. Well I miss waking up ridiculously early in the morning for a purpose and stressing out about the previous night's homework. I miss walking to class with a big "I'm so happy to be here" grin on my face. Now the days are long and I have a lot of time to work on things I actually want to. (Almost) Double sigh. Maybe I've always had some kind of school supply fetsih. There's something about new binders and pretty pink notebooks and sharp pencils and blank notebook paper that just makes me SO happy. Every summer I'm always looking forward to those back to school sales for some reason. Most people would be happy to be away from school. I guess I'm more different than I thought. Oh well everyone might have a backwards trait in them somewhere.

-Just Jane

"It is easier to be wise for others than for ourselves."
-Francois De La Rochefoucauld

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