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Friday, March 4, 2011

Rant about random things

Today at school I heard someone say something that made me want to rant. Someone made a model of the secret Annex (From Anne Frank) out of legos and this person pretty much claimed legos are for four year olds. This made me look back on how my mom and I always get legos for my nephews who are MUCH older than four. My mind also thought of really cool lego stop motions. So why do people think legos are for little people? I bet there is at least one person in this world who is around 80 and they still make something cool out of legos like a model of google chrome, a stop motion for a music video, or even an entire star wars movie out of legos. Honestly I think that would be super cool because it's not easy to do.
So anyway High school is coming up and today I realized what a strange child I was back then. When I was around three or four my biggest dream was to go to high-school. I grew up with the stereotype that High school was torture with lots of push ups in gym, dodge ball where you could die getting hit by dodge balls, super hard tests where you fill in the bubble instead of write your entire answer on a line and you specifically HAVE to use a number 2 pencil, (I didn't know what a mechanical pencil was) and all kinds of challenges like mixing chemical A and C to somehow make chemical W or something like that. I think I watched too much of Dexter's laboratory. Is that show still on? I loved how Dexter was all smart and serious and short and Deedee was all ditzy and tall and girly. Then the parents were super carefree and flexible. Now I have to watch Johnny Test, Symbiotic titan, and a bunch of shows that are nothing like Dexter's laboratory. Anyway so my vision of High school was a place where you become a genius by being tortured by all these tests and push-ups and stuff. I was (and still am) a very backwards kid and I really WANTED that torture. There was something about number two pencils and circles and paper that made me very happy.
So later I grew up with this odd tradition where I write a story about someone who's an entire grade level above me and I'm always way off. For example in 7th grade I wrote The Girl in Black and the next thing I knew I was way off. And in 4th or 5th grade I wrote some weird story that makes no sense about a girl in 6th grade and I was also way off. Then there's this one story about two high school girls and I was soooo far off! High school does NOT have recess anymore. This is going to sound strange but I don't really miss recess. I was that strange kid that would rather walk a mile than play on a playground. Which is pretty much what I did at age . . . . I don't know but recess wasn't my favorite thing. But what I loved about elementary school was writing. In fourth grade we were given these blank books and we could write in them. Oh my gosh I was so excited to write in those I was the first person to finish in the class AND I drew in all the illustrations. I looked back at it and this is the conversation that goes on:
me: WHAT THE ?? ?? ? Oh I get it now umhmm yeah I remember that
book: blah blah blah totally unrealistic story
me: I love how it's so off proportion umhmm yeah LOL wow what kind of a person was I?!
then i skipped to the ending and had no clue what my book was about but I remember how much fun I had making it.
I also remember this one show called "Ned's declassified school survival guide" I started watching it again and I acutally applied some of the tips from "the guide" and they worked! I know it's a guide for middle school but I'm sure some of them could work in high school. Although I'm pretty sure there won't be any janitors trying to catch a weasel, or scary evil science teachers (I HOPE) speaking of science I wanted to dissect a frog when I was a kid. That was probably listed as one of the tortures which meant I REALLY wanted to do it. I didn't know that you were required to in middle school so that made me happier. The teacher was talking about the whole process but my brain was saying "YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY FROG DESSECTION WE GET TO CUT OPEN THE FROGGIE AND LOOK AT ALL THE STUFF INSIDE YAY YAY YAY I'm NOT grossed out at all!" and the rest of the girls in the class were all like EWWWW OH MY GOSH I'M GONNA FAINT THAT'S SO NASTY EWWW I DON'T WANNA DO THIS CAN WE NOT DO THIS EWW. And I was like Well I guess I'm the only brave one here. So I dissected the frog with a smile on my face. Beleive it or not it is NOT TRUE when the teacher says you HAVE to touch the frog. Yes I proved it. My skin did not make any contact with the frog at all because my partner did all the frog touching while I ripped out all the yellow things. And all the frogs in our class were females. How weird is that? I was still happy even though I failed at ripping out the yellow things. They gave us teeny little scissors to do the cutting. If you're a teacher and you're reading this I suggest you use tweezers instead because scissors are not effective. If they were I would've cleanly dissected the froggie with no problem or mess at all.
What other tortures does school hold? Well I didn't know much but I knew what the word homework was. I wanted to hate homework. (I certainly got that wish) If there's one life lesson I learned it's that the people who have nothing to hate aern't really complete. I imagine my life without all the things I hate and it seems like a bland story with almost no plot and conflict.
Well I've ranted my little big heart out for now. Happy Friday

-Just Jane

"Opportunities multiply as they are seized"
-Sun Tzu

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